Ordnett Pluss is downloaded via Internet and installed on your computer. The time needed depends, among other things, on the speed of your Internet connection, and the speed of your computer.
The programme works on computers running Windows or Mac operating systems.
There are different download packages for the different operating systems.
The programme Ordnett Pluss 3.1 for Windows (227 MB) Download
The programme Ordnett Pluss 3.1 for OS X (332 MB) Download
Works with the latest versions of Mac OS X, version 10.7.3 (Lion) or higher.
Installation guide Ordnett Pluss (pdf, 1,2MB)
To download the file, right click on the link and choose Save target as...
Depending on which browser you are using, you can now choose Kjør (Run) or Last ned (Download).
If you choose Last ned, you have to choose Kjør when the file has finished downloading. (If you don't get this choice, then go to the folder where the file is located, and double-click it.)
The programme will now be installed. Follow the instructions that the programme gives you.
NB! If you have anti-virus programmes and firewalls installed, you might also need to answer some questions from these programmes. Ordnett Pluss must have access to the Internet.
Once the programme has finished installing, you might be asked to restart the computer before using the programme. If so, restart the computer.
System requirements
Ordnett Pluss is a computer programme working on computers running Windows or Mac OS X (10.7 and higher).
The programme is installed on single-user computers, and does not work with client-server solutions. The software can however be used on Remote Desktops, i.e. through Citrix-connections.
The programme works without Internet, but it requires Internet access from time to time, both to download the programme itself and the dictionaries contained, and for later updates of software and dictionary data. Also, playing audio files requires Internet access. (Special conditions might apply to particular deliveries, for example to schools.)
The dictionaries in the programme take up space on your hard disk, and the amount of space depends on which and how many dictionaries you subscribe to. We recommend having at least 1 GB available on the hard disk when installing Ordnett Pluss.
Both anti-virus software and firewalls installed on your computer might attempt to protect your computer from new software. If you have any questions during the installation of Ordnett Pluss, it is important to remember that Ordnett Pluss needs Internet access, both to and from.